Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am before the end going to not die and do all the things I've said.  Writing down the things I've saved and singing the songs I've gritted my teeth through not giving up on.   And not giving up means a lot of things when faced with ugliness and despair and grief and anger and pain and relief that maybe I'm not the only one going through it...  so I shoo it away -the feeling of urgency as if it were no emergency - the need to get it all down because these issues are far more important until the day comes before the end when I say I am ....  only asking for one more day and He says "I'm sorry you can not stay."  And I watch it all melt away. And so today...  while there's still time to pray...  I am before the end only asking for one more day.  To really do it. 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

questions. so many questions.
and if this is the digging page am I supposed to dig out the answers. 
it's for digging....  
excavating emotions that lead to thoughts that lead to answers....
thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts 
are compacted into and on top of and around and behind feelings so I can't get to them 
because they are recycled into small blocks of matter tied with a string...
usually you can just pull the string and the matter comes trickling out with sharp edges 
cutting and slicing through the flesh of thought 
but it's not happening today because a mattress of fluff has grown around the thoughts around the matter and I can't get to the string.  
there are no answers because the fluff just spreads itself around, there's no digging through it....
... it created itself to protect my ideas ...... from  the matter that's sharper and will hurt me I fear...    so the fluff is here to keep me pink... not bloody yet.  I think.  

and this is digging. 

stone stew

Tears could wash it clean
Fists could break it open
Hurtful curses could translate meaning. 
But silence is the padlock 
On the drawbridge leaning
against the fortress hiding my family dream. 

And what would be shown 
if I scaled the wall in ninja clothes
and peeled away a piece of stone?
Would I finally see the small lady crying? 
Or a cold granite statue steadily applying fake hair and flesh 
blankly smiling 
while fetching the cobble fodder 
to make stone stew. 

Would I climb away knowing the dream was a ruse? 
Or would I crawl inside and want to be rock too? 

Sunday, July 27, 2008

the other way

Wondering what it would be like today if you had gone the other way,
I am left to ask myself if I am really here pondering this year,  
Or am I just a question quivering in fear?   
Could I have stood my ground? 
Or would there be another me shrinking down 
into an abyss of misery still? 
Would it be my will to stay that way or could I rise up and face another day,
had you gone the other way? 

Being we are so intertwined....
I find it hard to unwind the answers that coil up inside 
our bodies, soul and mind 
and even though you are far away in miles
you are sitting with me all the while, in a small chair, close to my heart
and we talk every minute as though we're not apart.... 
If you had said no.  And chosen to go...
Would that chair be empty still
or filled by an impostor ignoring your nameplate? 
But the question I am postulating is not about love 
or rightful ownership of chairs....
It's about me and who I am there 
sitting beside you.  

What am I made of? 
Would I be okay now, if you had left me, love?

A fierce cry within me hollers yes! 
But the real me...
the real me knows best. 

Thursday, June 26, 2008

a tiny breath in '02

Give me my heart back, you cocksucker. 
You are not my lover 
You are a mugger
And you've mugged me
of my dreams
of my youth
of my love
my life
my truth

and indignant is how you stand
in this courtroom of lies
in front of our judge of sand

But there's a yellow light that shines through the cracks
of this dark wooden coffin.  It streams through the slats - 
riding on a mini whisper...
like a shiny red ribbon uncoiling through thick back silt...

The shock of what I've just done
By the sword of sheer words...
Spearing freedom!

A tiny breath in a lifetime of asphyxiation. 


all alone 
i sit in darkness
the night penetrates my soul
i am lost
where there are no empty corners
the streetlight's dim, then gone.
I am wrenched dry of every tear I've cried.
Still left with myself and nowhere to hide
and the shadows lie
where light has died.

clouds from above,
from heaven,
crash to the ground
choking earth
while I writhe 
in thickness
wrapped tightly in this cloth of air
finding it hard to breathe 
the truth
the lurks alone like me.